ONE APPY – Mobile App your business
It is a mobile app and platform offering a new approach to the communication and interaction between Businesses and their Customers or within Communities (Clubs, Societies, Teams etc). With One Appy your business may communicate with your clients at any time, offering to them advices, suggestions, updates regarding everything that is related to your business and activity.
One Appy Features:
- Push notifications
- Messages/Requests
- Offers / Events
- Interactive Map POI’s, Distance Calculator
- Compatibility with iOS, Android, Tablets
- Easy installation and personalization of the application, through the use of an integrated QR code Click to Call
- Weather Forcasting
- Multilingual Backend and Client Support up to 9 languages
- CMS/ Control Panel
- Statistics
- Sign in – Sign Out enabling facebook or gmail accounts
Business may be:
Hotels, Restaurants, Meeting places, Stores, Educational Organizations, Sports Clubs, Cities-Municipalities etc.
Clients may be:
Guests, Consumers, Students, Personnel, Citizens etc.
One Appy is the new approach to the communication and interaction between Businesses and their Clients.
The business gives the opportunity to its clients to download the application on their mobile or tablet for free, offering them an unexpected service, through which they acquire a personalized guide with suggestions and useful information.
At the same time, the business receives feedback and messages from its clients, as the simple and direct communication through One Appy might be bidirectional (clients can send messages and requests to the business owner).
- One Appy offers you the opportunity to fulfill your customer’s diverse needs.
- Strengthens your ties with your clients.
- Monitor and improve your operational efficiency.
- Receive feedback, suggestions from your clients concerning your services.
- Free upgrades with new features from the One Appy support team.
- Connect with the One Appy community, empower your business and develop new synergy relationships with other businesses.
Create dynamic marketing campaigns.
Get valuable insights with our analytics